Late Dr. V.T. Patil alias Kakaji an Ex-MP & Ex-MLA of Kolhapur, founder and president of Tararani
Vidyapeeth, Kolhapur and Mouni Vidyapeeth, Gargoti was an elite social leader, pioneering
social activist and his wife Late Sou Sarojinidevi are the founder of the unique trust Sarojinidevi
Vishwanatha Vishwastha Mandal, Kolhapur, which was started in 1968. With the zeal and urge for
the development of girls students of Tara Rani Vidyapeeth and women of the society and with the
fullest inspiration they denoted their entire property to form the trust. The great sacrifice for the
welfare of women has given rise to it’s even unique project ‘SWAYAMSIDDHA’, initiated in may
1992. Development of women through informal conventional & non-conventional education is the
principal goal of the institute. There are 2920 girls are baniftted through this project.

Swayamsiddha is a center for Personality Development & Conventional & Non Conventional Vocational training, for making women self reliant and confident to undertake constructive work in the society.
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Upcoming Events
Swayamsiddha ExhibitionDate: 8,9,10,11 September 2017
Venue - Indraprastha Hall Above Lucky Bazar Rajarampuri, Kolhapur
Time : 10 am to 8 pm
Very meaningful workshop. I got not only important guidelines for career developmentHarsha Shinde. Read More