Every Wednesday ‘Budhwar Bazaar’ is held between 1.00 pm to 3.00pm. It provides an ideal platform for the women to sell their various products and earn an income. Uncompromised quality and reasonable rates have made this very popular with members who are also encouraged to promote other member’s products and thereby earn a 10% commission.
1st Wednesday: Volunteers meeting. In this meeting they given information about various activities and projects carried out.
2nd Wednesday: CD show. Presentation or information about various small scale business related CD is shown. Information about new machinery, hand-craft, food products, how to develop our business skills etc. is shown.
3rd Wednesday: ‘Vaachu Aanande’. Books of various topics are read in group, discussion and questionary session is carried out.
4th Wednesday: ‘Monthly Meeting’. A small demo is given on a subject like ‘best of west’, Craft, Seasonal article making like Rakhi, Decorative lamp etc. After the Demo a Lecture is carried on by various specialist. Topics may differ from health care, yoga, environment, informative, business, personality development etc.
3rd Thursday: ‘Bhajan’. Devotional songs are sung by different Bhajani Group